Saturday, January 13, 2007

Chic-ism (1992)

"Chic Mystique" I am likely branding myself a hopelessly myopic Chic fan, but I found this return from the group's long hiatus on a par with practically any of their releases save the very best (Risque, Real People). (I'd have to rank the solo Rodgers I've heard up there as well, and never did get a chance to hear the Edwards solo). Maybe that was just anticipation? I don't think so. Nile Rodgers, Bernard Edwards, and the rest of the crew prove themselves greater than the sum of their parts. Pure chemistry reigns here. Building on the starched buppie foundation they laid even before the term was common, it's uniformly as dancefloor-ready as it is coiffed and groomed ... except, perhaps, for those who are not myopic fans?

more from eMusic


  1. Thank you very much for the Chic posts, I'm a huge fan of danceable Disco-Funk!


  2. hi buddy

    great track actually

    with your permission i'll post it on my blog

    WITH ALL CREDIT to you of course


    and visit me

